Saturday, October 30, 2010


Nasturtiums grow at the feet of the peppers.
Sometimes things die, and sometimes you just think they do. My nastturtiums revived with moisture and cooler fall temperatures after a combination of high heat and no rain nearly killed them. I removed all of the crispy, light tan leaves and cut the plants back to the new growth in August.

Today, they are lusher and more beautiful than ever.
Nasturtiums are not only beautiful, providing edible flowers and leaves, but they also help deter some garden pests, including squash bugs (!) and cucumber beetles, I recently learned. Next year they will be companions to my cucumbers and squashes.

This year’s nasturtiums grow along the mounded gardens at the feet of peppers and tomatoes. A little more information about nasturtiums and some recipes that include them can be found at this Web site,

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