Sunday, January 23, 2011

Lettuce pause

Lettuce is under there somewhere.
 I know that you all are anxiously waiting for news of the lettuce.
I did go out to the garden yesterday with the intention of opening the low tunnel and harvesting lettuce -- if any was left to harvest.

Broccoli seedlings.
 We had 6 to 8 inches of snow a few days ago, but it was light fluffy stuff and not difficult to dig with my gloved hands. I uncovered a few of the stones anchoring one edge of the plastic and unstuck a couple that were frozen to the sheets and blankets draped over the plastic tunnel for extra protection.
The next large stone was not only covered with several inches of fluffy new snow, but was also encased in old snow that had melted slightly and refrozen into ice. This was going to take tools.
The moment of consideration was brief.
I did not feel like spending the time or energy it would take to accomplish this task.
You will just have to wait for a more definitive lettuce report. So far it looks like the high will be around 42 on Friday. Maybe...
Maybe I will be able to acquire some intelligence from the undercover lettuce then.

Okra stumps in the snow.
 For now, you must be satisfied (or frustrated, it's your choice) with this little song and dance I've devised to occupy you.
About a week and a half ago I planted seed of broccoli, lacinato kale, cabbage and cauliflower.
The flats were set by the wood burning stove and the seeds had sprouted within three days.
So I wheeled in the light shelves and put the seedlings under lights.

A gnarly hedge tree in the woods.
On Wednesday of this past week I planted onions and leeks in flats, which are now sitting by the stove. They have not yet sprouted. The onion family does not sprout as quickly as the cabbage family.
So, as I wait to see whether last fall's lettuce will provide an early spring crop, I've already started spring gardening. About the middle of February (not far off) I will start the eggplants and peppers. Then by the end of February, I will give serious consideration to planting peas in the garden. That depends on how the weather progresses.
Groundhog Day is a little over a week away. Then we'll see whether it's another month and a half of winter or whether spring weather is just six weeks away.

Over the next few days I'll take a walk or two through our woods and bring back more snow-covered photos. Some of the least travelled parts have interesting features. Until then, enjoy these.

Through the snowy woods...

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