Wednesday, November 22, 2023



This happened yesterday.

I finally put up some bird feeders. 

I know. Most of you have had your feeders up for weeks, or months, maybe you never take them down.

But... things and stuff. I was going to do it last week, but then... COVID. So I put them up yesterday. Usually we have another shepherds hook with feeders on it, but it broke. My husband being who he is, immediately went online to go shopping for something else on which to hang bird feeders. They, and another feeder are supposed to arrive on Friday. We have our winter's supply of bird feed -- sunflower chips, a wild bird food blend, suet cakes, and these round seed cakes that go in a round holder.

Now we wait. Wait for the birds. I saw two goldfinches at one of the feeders yesterday, but since then, not one.

The past couple of years we didn't get as many birds as we used to. That is worrisome. Birds disappearing is not a good sign. Putting out bird feeders is helpful, but it's not going to save them.

To save the birds, we must stop trying to eliminate insects. It's come to the point where I'm glad to see insects buzzing around. (Not squash bugs, though. They don't seem to be nearing extinction. Still, I'll try to only take out the ones that are on my squash and cucumbers.)

It will take more than that. But I think we all know what we need to do.

The bird feeders are a beginning, though. 

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