Saturday, December 23, 2023

Through the Mist


I love morning fog.

Everything shrouded in mist seems extra magical, because you can't quite see clearly. The world seems more quiet.

Are we waiting for something?

As is my habit, I took my morning coffee outside, so I could feel the fresh air on my face, and get a feel for what's going on in the land.

Robins were fluttering around in the large eastern red cedar next to our house. They like to feast on the juniper berries. 

I went to the tree to see what the birds were up to, and saw one robin perfectly framed by branches, a dark silhouette against the gray beyond. A perfect picture.

But I don't carry my camera with me. By the time I went inside and got it, the opportunity was gone. None of the other birds were cooperative subjects. Every time I moved to get a better look, the birds would flutter away.

A missed opportunity. 

Oh, well. Here's a shot of fog droplets hanging from the cedar's leaves. If you zoom in to a droplet, you can see the world upside down. 

Different perspectives are good to have.

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