Tuesday, August 13, 2024

August Gold


It's August. The slow slide into Autumn has begun.

In the woods and prairies the blues and purples have given way to yellow and gold. The light at sunset becomes slightly more golden each day.

A week or so ago, this same spot along my daily walk was filled with the blue of the native American Bell Flower. Now it lights up with the gold of one of the many yellow flowers that run rampant through the countryside. I'm guessing this is a species of Rudbeckia, black-eyed or brown-eyed Susan. Goldenrod scatters yellow flowers throughout the prairie, and soon sunflowers of all kinds will shine their yellow suns along the roadways.

The temperature moderated a bit shortly after August began. We've had cool mornings, and the afternoons were warm, but not blazing hot. It even rained yesterday and today, always a blessing in August. 

But we're back to hot weather tomorrow. The temperature won't be so bad, but the anticipated humidity has them calling for a heat advisory tomorrow afternoon and evening.

It's August, and the cicadas are singing. You almost can tell what month it is by the emergence of our annual cicadas. 

The cicadas are singing, singing, singing.

Golden flowers are blooming.

Tomatoes ripen and summer squash swells. 

It's August. 

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