Thursday, February 21, 2013


Not much to say but that it is snowing. This scene was how it looked at about 10 a.m. today. Piling up and still coming down. We'll work on the walks and the driveway throughout the day so that we aren't trying to push 12 inches of snow all at once.

Cozy fire. Lots of food in the pantry. Nothing to do but enjoy.


The Harried Homemaker said...

It is really cruddy out there right now. We live on a hill, so we have drifts up to my knees right now and other spots are bare. I have to keep going outside to check on my chickens and ducks and collect eggs. If I leave them too long, the eggs will freeze and get ruined.

You seem to have quite a few cedars around your place. Do you struggle with cedar apple rust? A few of our newly planted apple trees got a bad case of it last year. I will make sure that we only plant varieties that are highly resistant to CAR from now on as it seems the only organic solution to CAR is to remove all cedar trees in a 1/2 mile radius. Not an easy thing to do here in KS!

Sandra M. Siebert said...

Having animals does mean having to get out when the weather is bad, one reason we've hesitated for so long.

We do have lots of cedars and have tried to get apple trees that are resistant to it. You can spray (organic stuff) for rust, but it must be done before infection.