Monday, March 5, 2012


The elms buds I posted photos of earlier have opened into blossoms. On the not-so-windy days, the honey bees can buzz on up to the treetops to have their fill of pollen from these blossoms.

A variegated crocus has bloomed.

And so has a white crocus.

This fall I will plant crocus near the bee hive. A book on beekeeping noted that crocus provide an early flow of pollen and nectar. Because they are low to the ground, the bees can work them on cooler and windier days when they cannot reach the treetops for the offerings of the elm and black locust.

The work pace has become such that I no longer can afford time to do the Daily Green, although evidence of "the greening" comes more frequently.

We continue to prune and train apple trees. Today and tomorrow I will work on them alone, as the season is moving quickly. Not enough days in the week exist that my orchard partner can work with me to allow us to complete the job (together) by the end of this month. When that job is complete, we will wait a week or so, or maybe not all before we begin work on the stone fruits.

I also will start tomato seeds today. In a couple of weeks, the cabbages, et al, will go into the garden. The seedlings looked awfully puny when I potted them up last week, but they have grown since and, while still not very big, look more capable of surviving out of doors. The hardening off should begin soon... very soon.

Spring is on its way....


Meggie said...

Thanks for the advice on pruning my two apple trees. My tomatoes seedlings have been transplanted in larger pots. I think I'm a lot warmer here in Texas than you are in kitchen garden is busting with lettuce, kale, onions, and parsley.

Sandra M. Siebert said...

Spring certainly does arrive earlier in Texas. You also have more daylight hours at this time of year, which makes a difference, as well.